Behavior and Pressure Point Customer Identification
With over 100,000 installations in Germany alone in the sectors of insurance, banking, industry and healthcare, eSignatureSuite is probably the best-selling software for the handwritten electronic signature in Europe and the virtual standard in the German insurance sector.
eSignature allows banks to process transactions in no time, thus improving productivity. The solution can simplify back-office functions and reduce transaction time to hours. The solution saves time while eliminating inefficiencies in document management.
A client can see the whole document and then sign it on the same device. Clear Readability. Comfortable Control. Cost Savings. Battery-Free Pen.
With electronic signatures, insurance agencies have the ability to capture a signature immediately and digitally, preventing customers from wasting time printing, scanning, faxing, or mailing signed documents back to you. You’re able to close deals from anywhere in a matter of minutes, eliminating the hassles of paperwork.
Electronic signatures significantly reduce the time, costs, and resources associated with typical wet-ink signatures, it can help firms improve internal business processes and provide exceptional customer service.
Competitive Modern capabilities
Syncs with signature pad. Supports ZUGFeRD documents, PDF/A-2b documents, PDF/A-3b documents. Supports terminal server environments when connected to our TCP- or Citrix Module.
Sign directly in the document. Displaying the PDF's table of contents Fill in the PDF's form fields and then save completed documents
Easily Integrated
- The customizable user interface (you can modify and deactivate a range of icons).
- Settings can be created in one workplace and then can be exported and imported to any other workplace, as a configuration file.
- Our on-demand branding tool allows administrators to modify the user interface almost indefinitely (available on demand)
- and More